How To Sell Your Home for MORE and Sell QUICKLY…

We all want that ‘premium price’ when we sell our home and we want it fast – fast so we don’t get inconvenienced for too long and over stressed, and fast because a house on the market for too long will sell for a lot less than it should. But how do we do that? is there a formula?

Well yes, there is a formula, as such …”the absolute, unequivocal, No. 1 strategy for getting buyers to fall in love with your home, and to do so at the most critical and impacting first moments on the market, is to have have your home looking AWESOME!” And by awesome I mean, display home, raffle home, professionally styled and presented home awesome! And its not so hard to do or expensive…

Incredibly, a whopping 90% of home buyers cannot see or envisage a homes true potential, appeal or liveability, if it’s not on display. But when it is, when your home looks and presents just amazing…then that’s what makes buyers go WOW, this looks incredible…I could live here, I want to live here. This is simply about turning on the emotion because emotion is king! Although we look for homes logically, we most often buy emotionally. When a buyer falls in love with your home then price will be justified..that’s called the ‘love price’, the ‘premium price’. So selling your home is all about a mood and appeal which in turn creates the vision and emotion in a prospective buyer to go ‘WOW’ and when that emotion is switched on, your home will definitely sell quicker and it will sell for more…this is how you get a premium price paid and its been proven in Real Estate markets around the world.

Dressing your house for success is absolutely vital. Property Styling is the number one way to really maximise the value of your home, and doing so quickly whereby eliminating the risk of having to reduce the sale price of your property in order to sell.

Here’s some ideas about preparing and presenting your home for sale…

Preparing a home for sale can be a very daunting task! From general maintenance to renovations, de-cluttering, cleaning and styling – there is generally a lot of work to do before a property is fit for an open home. So how can a Property Stylist help? Well, hiring a professional property stylist, just like us here at The Property Artists, who can come in, look at all your clutter and junk, then clear it all to make the house look more contemporary and saleable to more people. Another absolute No No is to sell your home empty! If you have commenced moving into a new home as your current property is being prepared to sell, your Property Stylist can hire furnishings and décor to really give your home that wow factor.

There are a few options to consider when you are planning on what needs to be done, in order to ensure that your home is ready to put on the market, which a Property Stylist can assist you with. This all comes down to how much time you can dedicate to bringing your property up to spec and how much money are you prepared to invest?

If you lack the time or creativity to see your property reach its full potential, employing a professional property stylist might just be the right investment for you. There are many ways to utilise a Property Stylist to suit your preparation requirements and budget.

1) The DIY approach.
While you may be confident in de-cluttering and cleaning, you may require a helping hand when it comes to the final preparation of your property. This could come in the form of hired styling accessories and or furniture. Ultimately, when you consider all that needs to be done, it’s worth asking yourself if you are confident that your property will fetch its maximum possible asking price if you do all the work yourself.
Employing the services of a Property Stylist to inspect your home and create a list of things you need to buy and style it yourself. This will reduce the hassle of knowing where to start and what needs to be done.

2) Guided help.
You could use a professional Property Stylist, such as ourselves, to complete an initial, objective property inspection after you have carried out the de-cluttering, cleaning and general maintenance items yourself. You can then apply a small budget to hire styling accessories and furniture for the main living areas of your home. This will freshen up key spaces in anticipation for sale.

3) The Full Monty.
This is exactly that. Ideal for the time poor, those lacking creativity and those that really want to maximise their return on investment with the sale of their property. Employing the services of a professional Property Stylist from the initial consultation stage, to de-cluttering, cleaning and maintenance right through to painting, styling and adding the final touches for your home to be put on the market. Investing that little bit extra to have your property really stand out and look amazing, will see that you will only be adding more value to your home, rather than the latter and running the risk of reducing the asking price in order to sell. This could mean a matter of a couple of thousand dollars invested versus tens of thousands of dollars lost.

Simply make sure that you have considered all your options then get the team you need around to help you sell your home for more!

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